Our blended family


I thought I should introduce you all to our children. A lot of people are a little confused when I say I have 3 kids. I actually gave birth to one, Scarlett age 2. I have a step daughter, Elora age 7. We also have what we call our foster kid, Shon age 14. His family is going through some struggles right now and we took him in. If you would have told me even 5 years ago that I would have kids I would have laughed! I never thought I was the mothering type. Now if you told me I would be caring for my own and 2 that weren’t mine I really would have thought you were crazy! But now that this is my life I don’t know what I would do without all these crazy kids. Having our “foster” kid has taught our whole family how to love and care for someone truly in need. Our girls look at him as their own big brother. And even though he drives me insane with middle school problems (like his little girlfriends, omg I’m not ready for this stuff) this has made my husband and I better parents.